Humans of Terakeet: Leah Deming

Caroline Withers Senior Marketing Strategist

Editor’s Note:

Our Terakeet team is filled with talented individuals who are passionate about driving value and finding fulfillment inside and outside of our walls. One such dedicated individual is Outreach Manager Leah Deming. This week, we chatted with her to learn more about her exciting life outside of work, which includes owning a small business, raising her son, and reminiscing about backpacking in Europe!

Q1: How did you come to work at Terakeet? What is your favorite part about working here?

I was living in Los Angeles and then moved back to Upstate New York. Once I decided to live in Syracuse, a former employee and friend of a friend told me to apply. It didn’t take much convincing and I was super happy when I found out I got the job! My favorite part about working here is a tough question and hard to narrow down, but definitely the people and the neverending learning opportunities!

Since joining Terakeet, Leah has become a mother and small business owner!

Q2: Tell us a little more about you outside of work! What’s one thing most people wouldn’t know about you? 

Outside of work, I’m a mama to a little boy named Carter. He recently had his third birthday, so I spend a lot of time playing with him and he keeps me very busy! On top of that, I run my own creative business/Etsy shop called Hey There Saturday. I used to do freelance graphic design but it evolved into the Etsy store where I get to design tees, DIY iron-on decals, and more—I need time to be creative, so it’s very fun to run!

And one thing most people wouldn’t know about me is that I grew up next to a farm that used to be my great-grandparents, and my sister and I raised two baby cows, Daisy and Chocolate. Also, I participated in and 100% lost a pageant (the only one I’ll ever be in, haha) when I was younger because I said my favorite movie was Air Bud. 🙂 

Leah’s shop Hey There Saturday leans on her passion for graphic design.

Q3: What’s your current obsession? 

I read Matt Haig’s novel The Midnight Library not too long ago and it’s still an obsession of mine. And part two to that is telling my family and friends about how amazing it is and that they should consider reading it!

Q4: Choose a book title to describe the story of your life.

Wherever You Go, There You Are.

Q5: What’s the strangest/coolest thing that’s ever happened to you?

I’m not sure if this counts, but one of the coolest memories I have that falls within this topic is from when I spent three weeks backpacking in Europe with my best friend. We were flying into Barcelona at night, and when we were landing there was a fireworks display, and it sounds so simple but it was probably one of the coolest ways to enter a new place and was so unexpected.

Q6: What would your desert island band/artist be, and why?

I’ll go with one of my favorites, The Lumineers, because their music feels a lot like reading a short story. Each song puts me in a different headspace and I love the depth behind their music. Also, my mom took my sister and me to see them play live in London— along with Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks— which is such an unforgettable and special memory. I’d want to have that happy thought on repeat if I was stuck on an island!

Q7: What is one thing you’ve tried recently that has helped you stay calm and focused?

I’ve been blocking off time on my calendar to use as a work block or for focus time. I can sometimes feel overwhelmed or constantly in motion without that dedicated time in my week to pause and really think about what is on my plate. It’s really helped me stay calm, focused, and organized!