Woman outside holding her dog.

Workplace Wisdom: Darian Carrow

Maggie Farragher-Gnadt

Editor’s Note

Terakeet had a virtual chat with Darian Carrow (Senior Digital Outreach Specialist) to find out more about the best advice she’s ever received, her must-have digital marketing toolkit, and more!

Q1: What is your role and how long have you worked at Terakeet?

I am a Senior Digital Outreach Specialist and have been with Terakeet for almost 2 years!

Q2: What advice would you give someone who is new to Syracuse or to Terakeet?

I would say to try everything and talk to everyone. Syracuse has so many things you can try, even if it’s just outside the office doors. Whether it’s trying some good eats from our staple lunch spots, or a happy hour location you’ve never been to — meet up with some coworkers and try it all! 

Q3: List a quote that has helped you get through a tough time.

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the [rarest] and beautiful of all.” – from the Disney movie, “Mulan.” I think about this quote whenever a roadblock is placed in front of me to remember to go at it with poise, class, and grace. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and rush into things but the real challenge is to …  turn it into a lesson and learn from it. 

Q4: How do you unwind after a “Case of the Mondays”?

I absolutely love to drive around listening to my favorite music. There is something really soothing to me about [it].

Q5: If you could invite any famous businessperson or workplace guru to dinner, who would it be and why?

I would invite Bob Iger, CEO of The Walt Disney Company. Iger has seen the company through major investments and expansions over the past several years and I’d love to pick his brain about successes and failures he saw when striving for these milestones.

Q6: If you could only use 5 workplace tools or platforms, what would they be and why?

  • Slack to communicate efficiently with my coworkers and stay in touch. 
  • BuzzSumo to keep up-to-date with news around my clients. 
  • Google Calendar to organize my schedule and visualize when my meetings are. 
  • Hive to track my deliverables and build my workflow for the week.
  • A good old pen and notepad to take notes throughout my day and during meetings.

Q7:  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received from a coworker?

What other people think about you is none of your business. I sometimes struggle with being nervous about speaking in front of large crowds because I think I’ll mess up and embarrass myself. A coworker recently told me that what people think about me is none of my concern as long as I’m happy with myself and my performance! 

Q8: How do you maintain your work-life balance after a long day of remote work?

I set a clear boundary [on]when I am starting my day and when I’m ending my day and immediately plan something for when I’m done to enforce that. Spending time with my family and my dog, video chatting with loved ones, and catching up on all of my favorite shows have been just a few things I’ve been investing my time in recently!

A smiling woman leans against a table with her back to people talking at the table

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