Workplace Wisdom: Krispin Dolbear

Kelly Knight

Editor’s Note:

This month, we sat down with our new Front-End Development and Design Manager, Krispin Dolbear, to talk all things Terakeet, how to bring zen practices into the workplace, and what he likes to do in his down time. Krispin has been the Front-End Development and Design Manager since May of 2020 and he has a lot of wisdom to offer when it comes to making things look great and function seamlessly here at Terakeet. Read the full interview below!

Q1: What is your role and how long have you worked at Terakeet?

I’ve been at Terakeet for a year [and] became the manager of a new department — Front-End Development and Design in May 2020.

Q2: What advice would you give someone who is new to Syracuse or to Terakeet?

For people just starting at Terakeet, I’d say, “Get ready. Everyone you’ll work with are smart, friendly, and running at 60 mph. They’ll absolutely help you get up to speed but they will not slow down.”

Q3: List a quote that has helped you get through a tough time.

From “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind”: 

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” 

It reminds me to come into situations with as few preconceptions as possible.

Q4: How do you unwind after a long workday/case of the Mondays?

I enjoy cooking, so most nights making dinner is actually a bit of unwinding in itself. We try to do that early enough that I can have some couch time with the kids before they go to bed, then it’s time for a little bourbon.

Q5: If you could invite any famous businessperson or workplace guru to dinner, who would it be and why?

Elon Musk. The creativity and innovation his companies bring to such a wide spectrum of problems is inspiring.

Q6: If you could only use 5 workplace tools or platforms, what would they be and why?

MacBook Pro + G Suite is the perfect combination of hardware and software for productivity and usability. 

Sketch for building scalable design systems. 

Adobe Suite for creating icons and imagery to make webpages and software look beautiful.

Slack for team communication.

Q7:  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received from a coworker?

Brian Quoss (Design Director at Terakeet) gave me some great advice to reduce feedback when presenting design options but like the magician’s code — I can not reveal our secrets.

Q8:  How do you maintain your work-life balance after a long day of remote work?

Once my wife and I were both working from home (with two small kids) during the pandemic I discovered the best way to pre-emptively de-stress my day was to get out for early morning walks. An hour of raised heart rate, fresh air and a motivational audiobook sets me up to deal with each day’s mayhem knowing my workout and reading are done.

Krispin Dolbear sits at his computer with a mug full of coffee