Editor’s Note
What is your role and how long have you worked at Terakeet?
I am an Outreach Manager and have been at Terakeet for just shy of two years.

What advice would you give someone who is new to Terakeet?
This is my first fully remote job, and there was definitely an adjustment period when it came to establishing myself and feeling like I was part of a team. I think it’s essential to not be shy when it comes to reaching out to other team members on Slack for any reason. Doing this helped me quickly adjust to remote work life, and helped me feel closer to my team in general.
What is a quote that helped you get through a tough time?
When I was a teenager my mom told me a story about how she found a quote, on a Lipton teabag (of all places), that she has kept going back to her whole life. “Silence has more eloquence than words.”
Ever since she told me that quote it has become one that I revisit often. To me, it means that sometimes it’s more important to be a great listener and truly hear what people have to say than it is to speak. As a people manager, being a better listener is something that I strive for every day, and it all comes from a teabag that my mom found when she was young.
How do you unwind after a long workday?
My favorite way to unwind after a long day is to cook a nice dinner, lay on the couch with my dogs, and read a good book.
If you could invite any famous businessperson or workplace guru to dinner, who would it be and why?
Tough questions, but I would probably have to pick Steve Jobs (RIP). As a pretty big Apple fan, I would love to hear more about what his vision for the companies’ future would have looked like.
If you could only use 5 workplace tools or platforms, what would they be and why?
Slack – I am a very social person, and being a remote employee was a huge change for me. Slack allows to me stay connected throughout my day as well as chat about things non-work-related.
Spotify – Not sure if this counts as a workplace tool, but music is essential to get through my workday.
Notes – If it weren’t for my (chaotic and completely unorganized) to-do lists, I would never get anything done.
Zoom – You can’t be a successful people manager without good ‘ol Zoom.
Google Calendar – As mentioned above I’m not the most organized person to ever exist, so having a place to organize my meetings and daily tasks is essential.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received from a coworker?
I touched on this above, but I think it’s important enough to mention again. On my first day at Terakeet, I was told by almost everyone to be comfortable reaching out to anyone here for any reason. It’s always difficult starting a new job, but that piece of advice has helped me immensely during my time here.
We have such a great team of people at Terakeet, and it’s comforting to know that they’re always willing to help you. Two years later that still holds true and is the advice that I give to new hires during their training.
This is a continuation of our “Workplace Wisdom” series. Read the previous posts here:
Workplace Wisdom: Burak Benturk
Workplace Wisdom: Ashish “AJ” Jacob